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Appearance White free-flowing powder
Packaging Paper bags palletized, big bags or bulk delivery.
Safety Information This product is non-hazardous, non-toxic and not inflammable. Since legislation may vary from country to country the specific instructions for each jurisdiction have to be adhered to.
Handling and warehousing Due to the hygroscopic nature of the product, proper handling and storage are necessary.
REACH Reference Number 01-2119529248-35-0020




  • Corundum for Abrasives and Refractory

  • Glass

  • Glazes

  • Ceramic Tiles

  • Insulating Fibres (Refractory)

  • Base Product for Refined Calcined Aluminas




You can download the specification sheet for this product here.


Chemical and
Physical Analysis
Al2O3 % 99,0 98,5 99,5 Dif.*
SiO2 % 0,009 0,001 0,015 DIN 51001 / XRF*
Fe2O3 % 0,010 0,004 0,018 DIN 51001 / XRF*
TiO2 % 0,002 0,001 0,003 DIN 51001 / XRF*
CaO % 0,002 0,001 0,010 DIN 51001 / XRF*
Na2O % 0,31 0,22 0,38 DIN 51001 / XRF*
(300°C - 1,000°C)
% 0,65 0,4 1,0 ISO 806
Bulk Density kg/m3 960 930 1000 ISO 903
Angle of Repose ° 34 32 36 ISO 902
Specific Surface Area BET m2/g 75 67 83 ISO 9277
Particle Size
(< 45 µm)
% 11 3 15 ISO 13320-1
**L.O.I at the time of production        
* Data of dried material (105°C)


Effective Date December 2024


Please Note: Information contained herein is intended only for evaluation by technically skilled persons, and is to be used by such persons at their own discretion and risk. Such information is believed to be reliable, but Dadco assumes no responsibility for results obtained or damages resulting from such use.

Typical properties and chemical analysis are intended as examples and are not to be considered as substitutes for actual analysis in those situations where properties and chemical compositions are critical factors. Sales of Dadco products shall be independent and subject exclusively to the terms and conditions set forth in Dadco order acknowledgement.





For clients of Dadco Alumina and Chemicals Limited

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For clients of Dadco Suisse S.A.

English Version